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Dizzy Newgrounds

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  • Dizzy Newgrounds


    Point and click adventure game.

    He who fights and runs away can run away another day.

  • #2
    screen 2

    how can you use the grey piece of holes and what is the correct disposition for the red buttons, the one in the grey piece or the one in the other side of the mountain?And what happends with that palm?


    • #3
      second scenario

      ok i have the hexagon but i dont know how to use anything


      • #4

        i have the bulbs lighted on what do i have to do now?


        • #5
          help wat do i do after all the green light bulbs r on?? Ive tried everything!! and wat does the lever and button thing do?? *confused* !!!!!!


          • #6
            Hellpppp! need walkthrough
            Balllers wut


            • #7
              Originally posted by Unregistered
              how can you use the grey piece of holes and what is the correct disposition for the red buttons, the one in the grey piece or the one in the other side of the mountain?And what happends with that palm?
              Wot do u do wiv da bucket full of water?


              • #8
                the grey plate wiv holes is a pattern wot it shows on there u hav to do the opposite u use the red buttons. u use the bucket full of water on the wires to the big electrical thing to get a piece of rubber.


                • #9
                  i hve followed wat ppl sed b4 n now im stuck, i hve the bucket which is now empty


                  • #10
                    Has anyone finished this?

                    I Got All The Green lights on in the hut.

                    Posted below is the sequece for the buttons.

                    I went back and turned the lever on that machine with the red Button. But Nothing has happened! Has anyone past this point?
                    Please post some help!!!!!!!!

                    Buttons go like this v ^ > v v


                    • #11
                      Try putting a bucket full of water on the lever to keep it down.

                      And the buttons in the hut are different everytime you play the game. So your sequences may differ.


                      • #12
                        keep on keepin on


                        • #13
                          alright help is at hand!! lol first game I completed without help!! w00t!!! amyway down to buiness... people who are stuck at the lightbulb bit...the switches to turn them on are fairly simple to get..for example if the switches were like this: > v ^ < ^ if you change the first one so they are like this: < v ^ < ^ and the light is still not on change it again so it is like this: v v ^ < ^. If that doesn't light up a lightbulb change it to this: ^ v ^ < ^. one of these combinations will make a lightbulb glow up. This accounts for all of the switches. Just change them individually until the corresponding bulb lights up.
                          Oh perfect joy!! but not really..there's a catch.. the 4th switch is stuck!! ARGH!!
                          There is an oil can on the floor pick it up and go back to the first world (by using the sequence on the yellow card in the code thingy on the mountain to make the transporter take you there) go to the place where you put a rubber pipe to fix the metal pipes and there should be a leak of oil. Fill your oil can with oil and go back to the hut (long journey I know...)
                          When you get there use the oil on the stuck switch and it should unjam!! huzzah!!move the switch like the rest of get the final bulb glowing...
                          After that go to the "broken" telepad in the mountains and it should be fixed!! step on it and it will teleport you to your made it just in time for tea..awww...bless....
                          Randomosity is a virtue, patience is a shoe!!

                          If you're stuck at a riddle.. don't pm me!..chances are.. I'll have absolutely no clue


                          • #14

                            What do you do with the golden hexagon with the red button on it????

                            By the way, to keep the lever down, put the bucket on it, it is not necessary to have it filled with water.


                            • #15
                              how do u start i cant find the play button!?!?

