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Trapped Tunnel Escape

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  • Trapped Tunnel Escape

    Assume that you are making a tunnel for an underground passage. Now you have come across a huge stone blocking the exit of the tunnel. To escape from the tunnel you need to break the stone and for that you need some necessary things to break the huge stone. Solve puzzles and look for things which will help you escape from the tunnel.

    Good luck


    Please use spoilers for hints and walkthroughs:
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    Please do not post a video walkthrough for 7 days.

  • #2

    Have slider clue, but box doesn't work....?

    Now have 4 nuts, pry bar, stick, hammer, drive(?)...
    Just clicked and and found new room, even though no hotspot....
    Finally got to use hammer.
    Need 4 digits and 4 letters and found all but 1 nut....
    Found last nut and now have axe head.
    Found couple more items; now have 2 sticks, a log, axe, drive(?) and ore(?)...
    Guess log was really a container. Made something (not sure what it is?).
    Not sure how to turn on maze.

    Tried pipe everywhere...4 items in inventory, think I'm stuck.
    Found log like, metal thingy?

    I have tried rod everywhere....not finding next step...
    Searched help and there isn't any; maybe I'll retry later? I need to get something done today...

