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Hoppity Happy Easter!!!!!

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  • #31
    there you go all and have a hoppy easter

    Online family:
    Online bro: Point click man
    Online dad:RC-10M
    Online sis in law:Ratgirl


    • #32 I'm WAAAAAAAAAAAY delayed in posting this....but oh well. Happy Easter!!


      • #33
        A little bit too late, But here is my easter pic!

        Happy easter Everybunny!!!


        • #34
          Happy Easter to everyone!


          • #35

            ....let's celebrate bunny day!!!!

            Have sum carrot rum cake:

            Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
            Looney GHer!


            • #36
              HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!!!!

              *~The Shining Star of GH~~*

              The riddlers gang: Vivi, Sumitra, Hunter, Bizarrochick, Monkey, Archaicdome, and Teeodd!
              June 15th is fundayja day! July 9th is Teeodd day! July 10th is Sumitra day! July 11th is Shining day! September 13th is Crazy day! September 18th is Robot day! October 13th is Party 4 Ever day! March 15th is Archaicdome day!

              *~a proud Mommy to be~*


              • #37

                "Whoever said money can't buy happiness
                simply didn't know where to go shopping."


                • #38
                  that was vagly disterbing yet funny. congrats your the first to make me feel strange like that. jk lol
                  So glad to be back.

                  Low standards mean little work.


                  • #39

                    To all my friends who celebrate Easter :

                    Have a wonderful day!!


                    • #40

                      Cℓĭck Here to pℓαγ "Tђє First Door"
                      tђє мost cђαℓℓєηgĭηg oηℓĭηє qυєst.

                      "We don't stop playing games because we grow old,
                      we grow old because we stop playing games"


                      • #41
                        happy easter everyone
                        Attached Files
                        Online family:
                        Online bro: Point click man
                        Online dad:RC-10M
                        Online sis in law:Ratgirl


                        • #42
                          here s one for everybody


                          • #43
                            I just realized that in Bulgaria Easter won't be until April 28th O_O
                            I think it's cause of the fact that we are some kinda different Christians or something... wow!
                            Thank you Gamershood forum for teaching me proper English without realizing it.


                            • #44
                              I'm not a Christian.... I JUST CELEBRATE 'COS OF THOSE CUTE LITTLE BUNNIES

                              Hoppy Easter everyone
                              Ghost member of GFARDTO

                              Online Family

                              Sisters - Super T and Humphryboop
                              Brother - Awsomeman

                              Sanity is futile...So be LOONEY!

                              Ghost of the Loonies


                              • #45
                                Католицическият свят празнува Великден на 23 март. Започна и традиционната Великденската служба в базиликата "Свети Петър" в Рим, водена от папа Бенедикт XVI. В препълнената базилика присъстват 30 кардинали, италиански политици и чуждестранни дипломати.

                                В християнската религия на Великден се чества възкръсването на Исус Христос на третия ден, след като е разпънат на кръст и погребан.

                                Празната гробница е видяна от жените мироносици, посетили гроба. Исус Христос се явява на Мария Магдалена и на апостолите.

                                Християните вярват, че Иисус е роден от девица, разпнат е и е погребан в гробница, възкръснал е на третия ден от смъртта си и се е възнесъл в рая, където ще седи редом до Отца до деня на Второто пришествие. Наред с това се вярва, че е извършил редица чудеса, изпълнявайки библейските пророчества.

                                Тази година православните ще празнуват Великден на 27 април.
                                This proves it's a matter of religion! Eastern and Western Christians are a bit different! We've learned in History class that year 864 Bulgaria accepted the Christianity not from uhh.... I dunno how they call it in english .... Benedict XVI... we accepted Christianity from a country that no longer exists .... Byzantine if I am not fooling myself .....what was I talking about again? oh yea... that's why we celebrate Easter on April 28th in Bulgaria!
                                Thank you Gamershood forum for teaching me proper English without realizing it.

