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Cube Mower

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  • Cube Mower

    Mow the blocks of grass in a quick but relaxing puzzle game. Depending on the height of the block you land on, you can either move horizontal and vertical or in diagonal direction.

    Click any of the highlighted cubes to move, mow the grass down. If you've taken the place of a cube with a height of 1 you can only move horizontal and vertical. If you've taken the place of a cube with a height of 2 you can only move diagonal. You can't cross empty spaces. The game is over when there are no more moves.

    Play the game Cube Mower
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  • #2
    Hmm - not one comment but rated high by someone.
    So-so game - have to plan way ahead as the levels get harder.
    Last edited by NannaJoy; 04-30-2010, 23:57:09.

