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Cursed Treasure

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  • Cursed Treasure

    Protect your gems from being stolen by "good" heroes in this tower defense game. Overlord, you have all the power of orcs, undead and demons.

    Use mouse (hold SHIFT to build multiple towers or cast multiple spells).
    The game has a built-in tutorial.
    Try to annihilate the enemies before they grab a gem, but even if they do, you'll have a chance to annihilate them on their way back and you'll save the gem.

    Play here

    He who fights and runs away can run away another day.

  • #2
    This game is great fun.

    So far I'm at level 4.

    According to the score board - level one = brilliant, level two = excellent, level three = good. I think this shows a worrying trend


    • #3
      I agree dalveen. Lots of fun figuring out the best plan. Got excellent on first 3 but only by working back and forth as I get skill pts. Almost there on level 4.


      • #4
        I can't stop playing this one.

        I'm now at level 14. I have brilliant for levels 1-6 and 10, excellent for levels 7 plus 8 and good for the rest. I'm now having to go back and replay levels in order to increase my skill points. If I don't do this I'll not be able to complete level 14.


        • #5
          There isn't anything funnier than the upgraded cold attack that makes them run backwards crying like babies. LOL. Still on 5.


          • #6
            I now have 7 brilliants plus 6 excellents but still stuck at level 14 and to make matters worse those horrible creatures laugh at me each time they escape with a gem.

            I'm liking this game a lot. I'll be back tomorrow to try again.


            • #7
              Phew Finally got past 9. That was a monster. Catching up slowly.

              Got 14! Going for 15 and wondering if that is the last one.

              15 levels in all. Now maybe go for better badges. Loved this one.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	cursedtreasure.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	90.2 KB
ID:	1692475

              Still working on how to get a perfect on level 7, LOL. Last boss makes that mad dash I can't slow him down to kill him before he gets to the gem nest.
              Last edited by RBS; 05-12-2010, 20:12:38. Reason: new badges


              • #8
                I love this game also.

                This is where I am at the moment but I'm not finished yet
                Last edited by dalveen; 07-07-2010, 02:14:51.


                • #9
                  After 2 days of enjoying this one I believe it is time to retire it. Had trouble getting balance among weapons with that experience requirement before upgrading. Had the money but the towers in the middle and back of the course never got the experience (thanks to me building way too strong towers at the entrance).

                  Oh well, finesse isn't my strongpoint in TD games .

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	retire.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	87.9 KB
ID:	1692477


                  • #10
                    Well done RBS, I think I might also give up gracefully. Some of those guys are just too fast even with the freeze towers shooting at them from all directions.

                    Here is my final progress:

                    This was a good fun game.
                    Last edited by dalveen; 07-07-2010, 02:15:02.


                    • #11
                      Hey nice going at 7 and 13. I actually killed the boss on 7 ONCE before he got to gems but let an earlier minion grab a gem.

                      I don't think you get brilliant on the hard levels if a gem leaves and comes back by portal so I am amazed you got 13.

                      Well done.


                      • #12
                        I think luck has a lot to do with killing the boss in some of the levels. If you manage to freeze him he can easily be killed with the meteors but if not he is just to fast to catch.

                        What I don't understand is the level number shown at the bottom of the skills page. You have level 41 and I have level 33?? Has it something to do with the amount of skills acquired?
                        Last edited by dalveen; 05-13-2010, 18:29:13.


                        • #13
                          You gain a level each time you fill up your exp bar and get the +3 skills reward. You have room to place 24 more skill points. You are 33 now and when you hit level 41 you will max out all the skills.


                          • #14
                            Just goes to show RBS, all those hours playing this game and I didn't know what I was doing.



                            • #15
                              I guess this means I won? I had no idea I was so good with strategy games, ordinarily I avoid them but the graphics in this one lured me in.

                              As you see, I won without maxing out my skills, and in fact, the last three skill points (put on the final three skills because it no longer mattered) were earned on winning the final level.

                              Nine and fourteen were killer. I had good on those ones, and the final one, for much longer than the others... I had most of the others at brilliant after a few playthroughs, but both of those I had to play some six... seven... maybe more on fourteen, fourteen was hard.


                              For the apparently tricky levels... I had no trouble with them, here's some strategy.



                              I will happily make more detailed tutorials, if anyone's stuck on a level for this one. By this point I know the strategy for every level inside and out. I guess I'll need a new game now! Great game, well worth playing.
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by Metruis; 05-21-2010, 12:40:43.

