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  • Hockey

    Talk about the amazing sport of Hockey here!!!
    Sister Dia <3
    Elite Member of GFARDTO

    Why Are YOU Worrying about You-Know-Who?
    You SHOULD Be Worrying About
    U-NO-POO -
    the CONSTIPATION SENSATION That's Gripping the Nation!

    Why so Serious?

  • #2
    sabres lost last nite :p
    this is not a signature

    ^^^ chain sig for Steve
    add to yours
    My forum:


    • #3
      My little brother plays hockey he loves it

      A Little Ferret Thief
      OLGM Lilliput, OLM Escapegirl, OLD Darknight and OLB George
      Member of GFARDTO and the Looney Bin
      OHOHOH!! Check it out:
      My city:
      Pretty Please!!!!! Please, please, please!!! I'll even beg *gets on knees*


      • #4
        im soo mad that the leafs lost to Pittsburgh last night 5 all at the end of the game ad staal(?) scored in over time i think..oh well crosby didnt get any goals!!! I play tonight!! wish me luck?!
        Sister Dia <3
        Elite Member of GFARDTO

        Why Are YOU Worrying about You-Know-Who?
        You SHOULD Be Worrying About
        U-NO-POO -
        the CONSTIPATION SENSATION That's Gripping the Nation!

        Why so Serious?


        • #5
          my team sucks we won 1 game


          • #6
            the second outside NHL hockey game ever happened... sometime...... V large crowd. Pittsburg V.S. Buffalo. the game was played in the latter city.

            i won't say the score


            • #7
              They both got a point though. It went into a shoot out and pittsburg won. I was hoping for Buffalo just because it happened in their city. but Oh well. If it was the leafs they would have lost like 6-0. ACtually .. LEAFS WON LAST NIGHT!!! OH YAAAAA
              Sister Dia <3
              Elite Member of GFARDTO

              Why Are YOU Worrying about You-Know-Who?
              You SHOULD Be Worrying About
              U-NO-POO -
              the CONSTIPATION SENSATION That's Gripping the Nation!

              Why so Serious?


              • #8
                Nobody cares about the leafs anymore.. boo hoo.

                Ottawa might do alright.......... i dunno i have not been watching the conference points


                • #9
                  Yay hockey
                  Da pudding turtle fanatic
                  Da PM spammers's fanatic
                  THE ONE WHO LIVES IN PUDDING

                  I am the loony bin chip eater
                  GFARDTO Chip eater
                  WOO SITE!
                  ( )_( )

                  R.I.P Kairi the guinea pig and Helena the rat
                  Online family: Sister: Super_T.
                  Brothers: Hugo_smith and awesomeman


                  • #10
                    finaaly hockey sesons over


                    • #11

                      2-2 overtime coming up.........

                      on Saturday hockey night in Canada


                      • #12
                        I had practice tonight, I have a school hockey game on Wednesday, 5 games on Thursday (4 are a tourney .. 1 is a houseleague game), going to a Gens game saturday (Junior hockey), I referee Sunday and play a houseleague game later that night and practice again monday ..Im excited!!
                        Sister Dia <3
                        Elite Member of GFARDTO

                        Why Are YOU Worrying about You-Know-Who?
                        You SHOULD Be Worrying About
                        U-NO-POO -
                        the CONSTIPATION SENSATION That's Gripping the Nation!

                        Why so Serious?


                        • #13
                          was watching a hockey game Friday and a player got 2 mins for roughing and then he got a penaly for spitting too....... it was a 5mins penalty

                          did they forget how to add 2mins penalty or did they just give him 5mins for the both.....oh yes that makes sense

                          ......After play he cross-checked a player from behind(bad bad!) sore losers or what


                          • #14
                            i hate hockey.


                            • #15
                              that's good.. and i don't watch football but i would love to play.. and i would probably like it more if i knew all the rules

